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1. 2FA TOTP 1.1. Steps 1.2. Usage

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When your users log onto Pwic.wiki, you may want to request a second random password generated from a device to reinforce the security. This is called two-factor authentication. This reduces the risks if the primary password (changed less often) is leaked.

TOTP is a simple algorithm: by sharing a random key once, a 6-digit random PIN-code is generated on-the-fly for 30 seconds. On the logon screen, the challenge is to provide that PIN-code at the right time. The secret TOTP key must remain private.

As per the current implementation, you need to know that:

1.1. Steps

Configure the option base_url. For example:

Enable the option totp:

Install an TOTP-compatible application on the external user's device. There are several good applications for the smartphones that are not publicized here.

Activate a user account for 2FA:

You get this kind of information:

To configure 2FA TOTP fully, share securely the following info with the user "demo": - Key: 7GFRI73GQMHYYH5IG55DQ55FEQJXQRDJ - URL: otpauth://totp/localhost%3A8080:demo?secret=7GFRI73GQMHYYH5IG55DQ55FEQJXQRDJ&issuer=localhost%3A8080

The given URL can be converted to a QR-code by your own means. The user can flash the QR-code to configure his application in one-click. Else he must add the secret TOTP key manually.

1.2. Usage

On the logon screen, if your account is enabled for 2FA TOTP, type the PIN-code along with your primary password.

If the user has lost its 2FA, repeat the configuration to generate a new key. And by using the option --disable, you can turn off 2FA for the user.

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